TOK is a course about critical thinking and inquiring into the process of knowing, rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge. It is a core element which all Diploma Programme students undertake and to which all schools are required to devote at least 100 hours of class time. TOK and the Diploma Programme subjects should support each other in the sense that they reference each other and share some common goals. The TOK course examines how we know what we claim to know. It does this by encouraging students to analyze knowledge claims and explore knowledge questions. A knowledge claim is the assertion that “I/we know X” or “I/we know how to Y”, or a statement about knowledge; a knowledge question is an open question about knowledge. A distinction between shared knowledge and personal knowledge is made in the TOK guide. This distinction is intended as a device to help teachers construct their TOK course and to help students explore the nature of knowledge.

As a centerpiece of the IB Diploma Programme, TOK is an integral and valuable learning experience for all Diploma Programme students. The aims of the TOK course are for students to:


make connections between a critical approach to the construction of knowledge, the academic disciplines and the wider world

  develop an awareness of how individuals and communities construct knowledge and how this is critically examined

  develop an interest in the diversity and richness of cultural perspectives and an awareness of personal and ideological assumptions

  critically reflect on their own beliefs and assumptions, leading to more thoughtful, responsible and purposeful lives

  understand that knowledge brings responsibility which leads to commitment and action.

Further to these, it is expected that by the end of the TOK course, students will be able to:

  identify and analyze the various kinds of justifications used to support knowledge claims

  formulate, evaluate and attempt to answer knowledge questions

  examine how academic disciplines/areas of knowledge generate and shape knowledge

  understand the roles played by ways of knowing in the construction of shared and personal knowledge

  explore links between knowledge claims, knowledge questions, ways of knowing and areas of knowledge

  demonstrate an awareness and understanding of different perspectives and be able to relate these to one’s own perspective

  explore real-life/contemporary issues from a TOK perspective

All assignments and make-up work is posted on Google Classroom. Please note, grades will not be recorded on Google Classroom, only assignments. All grades are posted in ASPEN.

Do inquire when you are confused, curious, or unsure

Do show your knowledge by coming prepared with homework everyday

Do think about how to get to class everyday on time

Do communicate to enhance your learning

Do show you are principled and stand up for what you believe

Do have an open-mind and respect for all beliefs whether or not you agree

Do have caring for all

Do take risks; don’t be afraid to speak up in class

Do take time to balance learning with an activity outside of school and home

Do reflect on your growth